Earlier this year, I wrote an article for Machinery Lubrication magazine in which I debunked the myth that if the piston seal in a double-acting hydraulic cylinder is leaking, the piston rod will drift as oil slips past the seal. Fact is, it can't. One reader, who couldn't grasp the concept, wrote the following to the magazine's editor:
Other people's ignorance rarely bothers me. But frankly I was steamed when I got this. For no other reason than, because his letter had come to me via the magazine's editor, I couldn't just ignore it. So I hit reply and started typing. Pretty soon there was heat coming off my keyboard. After several minutes I stopped writing and thought to myself: "This is pointless. Because a man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still." Then I did what I should have done in the first place. I opened up my simulation software. And eight minutes later I had a model which demonstrates what actually happens in a double-acting hydraulic cylinder with a leaking piston seal. I made a video of it and sent copies to my skeptical reader and the editor of Machinery Lubrication. This video is conclusive because seeing is believing. And it's definitely worth eight minutes of your time. Watch the video here.
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