ATTENTION: all fitters, millwrights, mechanics, technicians, engineers, hydraulic equipment
owners and users...
If there's ONE, single hydraulics skill, above all others, you can take to the bank,
that skill is: TROUBLESHOOTING.
"I'm a sparky by trade but just days ago I stepped in after our rig mechanic and a third-party
hydraulics specialist spent 3 days troubleshooting an intermittent problem at a cost of $35,000 per
day in downtime.
Within 15 minutes I narrowed the problem down to a hydraulic motor. They didn't take me serious. But after another day of downtime, they got one on location and installed it out of desperation. She fired right up and worked perfectly.
Brendan, I would have given you a high-five if you was around!"
-- Rig electrician John Gillespie on how he used Brendan Casey's troubleshooting system to solve a hydraulic problem that baffled the rig mechanic and a hired-in hydraulics technician--costing a total of $140,000 in lost production.
Read the following message right now to find out how YOU can get the same
troubleshooting SYSTEM -- PLUS $62 of FREE stuff, all for under a $100 -- But ONLY if you're quick!
Brendan Casey, hydraulics expert, author and educator.
Dear hydraulics user or practitioner,
As the above story shows, the 'Holy Grail' of all hydraulics skills is and always has been: fault-finding.
Yup, whether you and I like it or not, the hotshot troubleshooter, the man who can cast his eye over
a hydraulic system and quickly zero-in on the fault, is 'Top-Gun' in the hydraulics world.
He's a soldier of fortune.
Admired by some; envied by many.
And here's an example of what I mean:
A recent client sent me a trail of emails
about a problem he was having with his hydraulic excavator.
As I scanned through it, this bit
from the machine dealer's Service Manager caught my eye:
"...please read the attached message from
the best in-the-field guy we have. Rob is our main man
and a really good troubleshooter..."
Bang. There he is, right there. Rob, the hotshot troubleshooter.
And if you could walk a mile in Rob's shoes
here's what you'd likely find:
--He's on a big fat hourly rate
and gets more overtime than he needs,
and a lot more than he actually wants.
--He drives the newest and best service truck,
which he gets to take home at night and on the weekends.
--He has a company credit card
and his reasonable expenses are never questioned.
--His company cell phone rings a lot
and he has to turn it off at times,
especially when he needs to sleep.
--He's the envy of the other technicians,
who are peeved they're not getting the same pay and conditions he is.
--He's a regular recipient of unsolicited job offers
from other employers.
--And in the unlikely event he does need to ask for a pay rise,
it's enough to make his boss squirm in his chair.
Because HE is their main man, their troubleshooting Top-Gun.
As you can see, there's a LOT to be gained
by becoming a reliable and effective troubleshooter,
even if you have no ambition to work at the 'coal-face'
the way Rob does.
And the good news is, just like rig electrician John Gillespie did, it's now A LOT easier to join
the ranks of this elite and highly sought after group -- even if your knowledge of hydraulics is not that extensive.
But before I tell you about this opportunity, let me explode a popular myth that troubleshooting ability is some kind of black art which can only be mastered by those gifted with special powers...
Troubleshooting: Science or Black Art?
A couple of years ago, I spent a lot of time pondering this question in the context of my own experience and that of the many technicians I've worked with, supervised and trained over the years. And I am convinced that troubleshooting is NOT any kind of black art at all.
It is a learned skill.
And if something can be learned, it can be taught.
Furthermore, I concluded that learning how to troubleshoot effectively is NOT like learning math,
where you need mathematical aptitude, or music where you need musical talent.
In other words, I'm certain NO mystical powers are required to become a reliable and effective troubleshooter.
Bottom line: troubleshooting is a skill ANYONE can master. Anyone who WANTS TO that is.
But if someone wants to become a better troubleshooter where do they turn?
A book on the subject is an obvious place to start.
So I went to with the intention of buying every book I could on troubleshooting generally,
and hydraulic troubleshooting specifically. Wanna know how many books I came away with?
Zilch, nought, nada. Nothing!
Oh sure, there were a couple of hydraulics books which featured the word "troubleshooting" in their
title, but when I drilled down there was NO meaningful substance to it.
This exercise was very revealing. I mean, if no one has ever written about troubleshooting in a
meaningful way, how is anyone supposed to learn it? Or anyone other than a legitimate expert supposed
to teach it?
No wonder there's so many fitters, mechanics and technicians out there equipped with nothing more
than a trial and error, hit and miss, pluck and chuck approach to troubleshooting.
It's incredibly frustrating for them and very expensive for the machine owner. Just the other day I heard from one of our members
who has spent $18,000 trying to solve a hydraulics problem -- without a result.
And this is why the few who truly master this skill are highly-paid and jealously guarded by
their employers.
Troubleshooting is indeed a skill you can take to the bank.
So anyway, here's what happened next: I decided to write the darn book myself!
And I gotta tell ya, this was not a mission I accepted lightly. Because the task was err... more than
a little daunting. But I grabbed the bull by both horns. And after a hard, 12-month slog, the end
result is: The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook. And it looks like I've hit the mark:
"I just finished The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook and boy is it a great book... I'd like to order 16 copies, one for each of our technicians."
Nick Bolla
Manager of Engineering & Maintenance
Ellwood Mill Products
But before I tell you all about The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook, let me explain the approach I took in its creation ...
The Troubleshooter ... and the Hungry Man
You've likely heard the parable about the hungry man:
Give him a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him HOW to fish and you feed him for life.
Just as there are two ways to help the hungry man with his daily calorie intake, I concluded there's two ways to assist someone trying to solve a hydraulic problem.
You can give him detailed, step-by-step, no-thought-required instructions to solve the specific problem he's struggling with today. In other words, just give him the fish.
The problem with this is two-fold. First, while this may get him out of today's bind, he gains no advantage in dealing with the problems that will arise tomorrow.
And second, the type and variation in problems hydraulic systems can encounter are infinite. So it's just not possible to produce a manual that contains specific, step-by-step instructions for solving every conceivable hydraulic problem anyone may ever encounter. Even if it could be done in a single lifetime, I doubt there are enough trees left in the world for such a document to be printed!
The alternative, which is the approach I took, is to give the would-be troubleshooter a framework that can be adapted and applied to any hydraulic problem he may ever encounter. In other words, give him a fishing rod -- and show him HOW to use it.
And this is what The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook is: a TOOL that equips you to tackle not only the hydraulic problems you're struggling with today, but also those of tomorrow and beyond.
Of course, what this means is, if you're someone who would prefer to be just 'given the fish' then
The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook is NOT for you.
So Who IS this For?
The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook is designed for anyone who:
wishes to capitalize on the very real shortage of skilled troubleshooters out there (think: increased job opportunities and earnings);
- does not want to be held hostage by it.
This means if you're a:
- Fitter
- Millwright
- Mechanic
- Technician
- Engineer
- Mechanically-minded hydraulic equipment owner or user
OR, like I was when I started out:
- someone with good mechanical aptitude, who wants to add another 'string to your bow';
AND, you don't mind doing a bit of thinking for yourself, then read on, because
The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook is definitely for you.
"The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook is the creme de la creme. This is the book I've been waiting for."
Fred Sucharew
Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
The 80/20 Rule of Troubleshooting
You may be familiar with the 80/20 rule or Pareto's Law - named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto who first recognized it in 1897. Put simply, Pareto's Law states an almost universal truth that nothing is evenly distributed.
Applied to troubleshooting, the 80/20 rule means that not all hydraulic problems are equally difficult to solve. In fact, based on my long experience in the hydraulics biz, I'd say the split between 'easy' and 'hard' is around 90/10. In other words, at least 90% of the hydraulic problems you're ever likely to encounter are easy to nail -- IF you follow the correct procedure.
I'm going to say that last bit again: IF you follow the correct PROCEDURE.
In fact, if the right procedure is followed, it's possible to solve all sorts of hydraulic problems with little or no hydraulics knowledge at all!
Not convinced? Let me prove it to you with a real-life example: During the last wheat harvest I visited my cousin's farm. Over a cup of coffee, my cousin started telling me about a problem he was having with one of his combine harvesters. The engine was losing power intermittently. One minute the harvester would be in the crop going like gangbusters, the next thing the engine would just die.
It was a naturally aspirated engine and the air-intake was all clear. So suspecting a fuel supply problem, he'd cleaned-out the fuel tank, changed the lift pump, fuel filters - and had even tried gravity feeding the diesel injection pump directly. Still the problem remained.
So then he swapped out the injection pump with a used spare. No difference. Next, he had the
original injection pump tested and calibrated and re-installed it on the engine. No change. Plus, the
problem had stumped everyone he'd asked so far. Not only was my cousin pulling his hair out; the issue was giving him angina. And I'm not kidding.
After considering what I'd just been told for a minute or so, I said, "It could be the _________ ." And as it turns out, I was right.
If you haven't figured it out yet, I'll tell you what the problem was a bit later -- so do keep reading. But the main point is: I'm NOT a diesel engine specialist. But I do consider myself a troubleshooting expert.
And through the application of sound troubleshooting process, I was able to solve a problem that had stumped knowledgeable men with far more diesel engine experience than me.
Imagine how that feels?
Everyone starts looking up at you because you're suddenly 10 feet tall.
Truth is, I can't even explain how the _______ was actually causing such a problem. But it doesn't really matter. Because my diagnosis was correct. The problem was solved. And the wheat harvest could continue in earnest.
From Problem to Solution in 12 Easy Steps
One of the many things that makes The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook unique, is I lay out 12 principles which I've identified as essential for effective troubleshooting. And by "effective troubleshooting" I mean: correct diagnosis in the shortest possible time.
When understood and adhered to, these 12 principles become the anchor for a logical, step-by-step troubleshooting SYSTEM anyone can follow - whether you're a seasoned pro, or a still-wet-behind-the-ears novice.
It's the same procedure I use whenever I'm troubleshooting anything, and the very same one I used to solve the engine problem described above.
What's the alternative? A common one is 'pluck and chuck' by guesswork. In other words, just replace one component after another until the problem goes away. Not only can this be VERY time consuming, when you consider how pricey hydraulic components are these days, it can also be horribly expensive.
The other option is to call in outside help, at a cost of anywhere between $90 and $150 per hour, depending on the market you're in. But this is not always a silver bullet either. Because the uniform the guy shows up in may give him credibility, but it doesn't guarantee he's any good.
If on the other hand you're armed with The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook, you're a man with a PLAN. And it covers much more than my time-tested and proven troubleshooting system. Here's a taste of what else is in store:
IF YOU DON'T WANT TO LOOK LIKE A DUNCE, don't act like one. Why even qualified experts sometimes make BIG troubleshooting mistakes -- and what to do about it -- page 8.
An amazing and largely unheard of diagnostic trick that can save you hours. And you can do it with any multimeter. That's right, any digital or analogue multimeter -- page 31.
WARNING: Your #1 troubleshooting tool can ruin a hydraulic system in seconds. Make any of these 3 mistakes when using it and you'll be in deep do-do -- page 152.
Two things every troubleshooter must understand to be effective. And why one is 10-times more important than the other -- page 13.
When it's safe to ignore a "hot" component, and when it's not -- page 104.
The 7 truths which are every troubleshooter's best friend. Even when you're faced with the most complex of hydraulic problems -- page 13.
Cylinder problems? How to quickly determine if it's the piston seal or not. And all you need is a pressure gauge for this simple test -- page 96.
One thing you must always do before reaching for any diagnostic tools. Skip this and there's a good chance you'll end up with egg on your face -- page 37.
If you are now a "B" or "B+" technician, learning this one, little-known troubleshooting technique will catapult you towards the ranks of "A" or even "A+" technicians, who always get first pick of the best jobs -- page 65.
The fastest way to mess up any troubleshooting effort. And what to do about it if this happens to you -- page 42.
The quickest, easiest and safest way to check the condition of a hydraulic pump. Best part: you don't need a flow meter -- page 22.
What must NEVER be allowed to sway your judgement in a troubleshooting situation -- page 46.
A simple test that instantly tells you WHY a hydraulic system is overheating -- page 103.
The best way to ensure the duration of any troubleshooting effort is a short as possible -- page 52.
THE #1 cardinal sin of troubleshooting. Making this mistake just once can be career destroying. I give you 3 strategies for avoiding it -- pages 57, 59, 63 and 73.
How the presentation of flow-test results can HOODWINK you into changing-out a perfectly serviceable component. And what you must understand to avoid this costly and embarrassing mistake -- page 29.
CAUTION: how a very simple problem can quickly unravel into a terrible nightmare. And the two questions you must always ask yourself to make sure this does NOT happen to you -- page 79.
Why your inner 'mind-game' matters. Motion beats meditation, but this is not always true when troubleshooting -- page 149.
The easiest way to conquer the troubleshooting process: the simple, 12-step procedure that will transform you into a reliable and effective troubleshooter, no matter what your level of experience. This is the "master secret" of knowing what to do and when to do it -- page 83.
PLUS, there's a lot more. But at least now you get the picture.
"The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook is an easy read and a powerful troubleshooting guide. It's worth every penny."
Brad Little
Maintenance Department
Greenheck Fan Corporation
It's taken me 27 years to put all the pieces of this puzzle together on my own. If you've got
quarter of a century to spare, you could probably do the same. But I don't recommend it. Not when
The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook lays it all out in front of you in an easy to understand format.
I only wish this handbook was available to me when I started out. Because it would certainly have
fast-tracked my way up the 'food-chain'. Especially since troubleshooting expertise is, and always
has been, the most in-demand and highly prized skill of all.
It was back then. Still is now.
You can get there slow. Or you can get there fast. Frankly, slow sucks. But the good news is you can
always buy speed. And in this context, The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook is a 'Ferrari'. Here's what I mean:
"Brendan, thanks again for all your shared knowledge. I've learnt more from YOU in 6 months than I've been
taught by my bosses at work in the last five and a half years."
Ryan Read,
Heavy Vehicle Mechanic
V&H Trucks Inc, Kansas City USA
Why would you wanna work your way up the ladder s-l-o-w-l-y when you can stand on my shoulders and 'leap-frog' your way to the top?
Anyway, if you've been paying attention to what I've said so far about troubleshooting, you might be thinking: "What about the other 10%?" That one hydraulics problem out of every 10 that's harder to solve. Those that require a little more knowledge and experience to get to the bottom of.
Well firstly, the principles outlined and explained in The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook apply
equally to ALL hydraulic problems, regardless of their apparent complexity (just like beauty,
complexity is in the eye of the beholder). This means if you have this handbook, you do in fact hold the keys to a fast and successful resolution of ANY hydraulics problem.
And secondly, in Part II of The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook, I cover specific
strategies for diagnosing and solving the most common types of hydraulic problems you're likely to encounter.
Which means this is not the kind of book you'll read once and put on the shelf. It's a book you'll
want to keep in your toolbox or in the glove compartment of your van or truck. And The Hydraulic
Troubleshooting Handbook has been formatted with this very purpose in mind.
What's a Book Like This Worth?
So how much should you expect to invest to own such a book? Well firstly, The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook is not the sort of book you can value by the page or pound. Because if, like rig electrican John Gillespie did, you use it to solve just one hydraulics problem, quickly and accurately, it's sticker price is utterly irrelevant.
That said, I personally spend thousands of dollars every year adding to my own technical library, and I've got one of the most extensive private hydraulics libraries around. Based on what I've paid for similar books, the right price for The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook is around the $150 mark.
But I'm not asking this much. Nowhere near it. Reason being, this is NOT a book for academic types wearing thick glasses and white coats. It's a book for guys who work at the 'coal face'. Guys who are used to getting oil on their hands. And for this reason I want to make it accessible to as many of these folks as possible.
Which means if you get your copy of The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook today, it's yours for only $97.00. That's a saving of $53 on what you'd pay for a comparable book (not that there are any comparable books on hydraulic troubleshooting!).
"The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook would be a bargain at twice the price."
Jon Schneider
O'Fallon, Missouri USA
PLUS, even though this is a great deal already, if you're one of the FIRST 7 to order The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook
I'm going to make it even better by throwing in the following 4 FREE Bonuses valued at $62...
FREE Bonus #1 How To Leverage 80/20 In Maintenance and Troubleshooting - $15 Value
If you're applying linear thinking to any facet of your maintenance strategy or troubleshooting approach, it's wrong! Because an 80 percent reduction in your maintenance costs will come from 20 percent of your maintenance effort. And 80 percent of your breakdowns and downtime are caused by 20 percent of the possible faults.
In this strategic report, I explain how exponential gains can be achieved in maintenance and troubleshooting by thinking and operating in this highly-skewed and high leverage, 20-percent zone. Buts that's not all. Pareto's Law or 80/20 is the law of unequal effort and return. Which means the contents of this report has application in every facet of your professional and personal life.
FREE Bonus #2 How to Read Hydraulic Schematics - $12 Value
In the hydraulics world, the ability to read a schematic diagram and the ability to troubleshoot
effectively are often considered to go together, 'hand in glove'. But this is NOT the case. The
ability to read a hydraulic schematic is nothing more than an indication of a certain level of system knowledge.
So while the ability to read a schematic is not the key to effective troubleshooting by itself,
it CAN save a lot of time and money in a troubleshooting situation. In this ebook I show you how to train yourself to read hydraulic schematics and I present a unique approach for decoding any hydraulic schematic, regardless of how complex it may appear at first.
FREE Bonus #3 One Month's Membership To Hydraulics Pro Club - $15 Value
Hydraulics Pro Club is the forum in which I share my best and latest hydraulics intell and advice.
It comprises a printed newsletter and hydraulics simulation video, delivered by postal mail
each month to anywhere in the world. No hydraulics topic is off limits: design, maintenance,
troubleshooting, circuits, componentry and everything else in between. After your free issue
membership is $14.79/month cancellable at anytime for any reason.
FREE Bonus #4 Shipping To Anywhere in the World - $20 Value
In addition to the 3 FREE bonuses above, you'll also get The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook shipped to your door anywhere in the world, FREE - a $20 value. So the investment is the same no matter where you live.
PLUS, The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook also come with a...
RISK-FREE 100% Money Back Guarantee
You take NO RISK whatsoever by evaluating The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook. Because if in the unlikely event you're not absolutely delighted for any reason - or no reason at all, I'll cheerfully refund your entire investment in full. No questions asked. There is no fine print. It's as simple as that.
"The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook is a great read. I have 8 mechanics working for me and these guys will all be
reading this book. And I tell anyone who will listen to get a copy."
Michael Avery
Equipment Manager
Grady Crawford Construction
Now let me break it down for you
Even though there aren't any other books that deal with the subject of troubleshooting in the way
The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook does, a similar technical book can set you back $150. PLUS
you get 2 ebooks and one month's membership to Hydraulics Pro Club - together a $42 value. Add to
this FREE shipping - to anywhere in the world - a $20 value... and this comes to $212 total.
I have great news for you ...
You DO NOT need to invest $212 to get the knowledge that will transform you into a reliable and effective troubleshooter. Nor do you need to spend a quarter of a century trying to figure this out for yourself (like I did!).
Because if you're one of the
FIRST 7 to respond before midnight this
I'm willing to give all this away to you for only $97.00.
So basically, I just gave you a $115.00 discount on what it would cost you if you COULD get
all this troubleshooting know-how somewhere else. (And you can't).
OR, if you're a hydraulic equipment owner or user and you wanna slice 'n dice it another way:
How much troubleshooting assistance can you get elsewhere for $97? On a one-time only basis,
not a lot. On an ongoing basis, none at all.
Click here to ORDER
As attractive as this offer is, experience tells me that only about 1 out of every 10 people who receive it will respond. Although that's OK with me from a business standpoint, it still bothers me personally.
You see, I know how much fitters, millwrights, mechanics, technicians, engineers and hydraulic equipment users will benefit from The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook. I read their emails; I talk to them on the phone; I meet them personally at seminars, and hundreds each year tell me that:
"A lack of specialist knowledge is our BIGGEST hydraulics problem."
And because troubleshooting know-how sits right at the top of this pyramid, I hate the
thought of someone not getting this knowledge because of some error or omission in my explanation.
Which is why I've racked my brains to come up with possible reasons that might be holding you back.
Here they are:
"I don't know much about hydraulics"
You don't need extensive hydraulics know-how to profit from The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook. If you DO have some hydraulics knowledge and/or exposure to hydraulic equipment - great, you'll hit the ground running. But it's certainly NOT an essential requirement.
"I prefer to work in Metric rather than US units (or vice versa)"
Both US and Metric units are used throughout. But this isn't a big issue either way since there's virtually no calculations required.
"I'm mainly interested in mobile hydraulic equipment rather than industrial (or vice versa)"
The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook is equally relevant to both mobile and industrial hydraulic applications. And to applications that aren't hydraulic at all!
"I already have a stack of books about hydraulics"
There are NO books devoted entirely to hydraulic troubleshooting in a meaningful way. Believe me, I've looked. There are several with the word "troubleshooting" in their title, but when you drill down there's no substance behind it.
"I already have The Definitive Guide to Hydraulic Troubleshooting. How is The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook different?"
The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook is a slimmed-down, no-frills version of 'The Definitive Guide'
training package. You don't get the troubleshooting tutorial videos and study-guide, or the
one-on-one, coaching/consulting support with me. In other words, The Definitive Guide is the
'Rolls-Royce' version of this troubleshooting training, and it's still available here.
But what you DO get with The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook is complete explanation of the
principles and procedures that will transform you into a reliable and effective troubleshooter, no
matter what your level of experience. AND it's presented in a convenient format you can easily carry
around in your toolbox or in the glove compartment of your van or truck.
"I live beyond Siberia, so shipping will be too expensive"
Worldwide shipping is included, so the price is the same no matter where in the world you live.
"It looks like a great deal, but I'm not sure I can afford it right now"
Let's say you demonstrate to your boss your newly acquired hydraulic troubleshooting expertise and he gives you a raise of (only) $10 per week. Then you'll recover your entire investment in less than 10 weeks. For a $20/week raise you get your investment back in 5 weeks. And for a $50/week raise (which is more like it!) you're miles in front after only 2 weeks.
And if you think this kind of raise is unrealistic, think again. In the past few weeks alone I've heard from 2 of my students. One has just secured a raise of $320/week ($8/hr). And the other, $400/week ($10/hr). So don't ever underestimate the value of real, hydraulic troubleshooting know-how. And the payback that comes from investing in yourself.
On the other hand, if you're a hydraulic equipment owner or user, you only have to use
The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook to solve just one problem and you'll recover your
modest investment many times over.
"I nearly balked at the price, but after reading it I had more confidence than I could believe. The knowledge of how to attack any hydraulic problem with your efficient troubleshooting methods had me outshine a number of more experienced diesel mechanics and technicians. This upset some of the older tradesmen. So I now keep the methods I learnt from you low key. Your books are the most powerful tools in my arsenal."
James Olive
Heavy Equipment Mechanic
Agnes Water, QLD Australia
Click here to ORDER
An Investment In Success
About that problem with the diesel engine I solved earlier. It was the injectors. The problem wasn't really that complicated. But then, as I've explained already, most troubleshooting situations aren't -- IF proper procedure and process is followed.
But to my cousin, someone with a combine parked-up in the middle of the wheat harvest, the solution to his problem was worth a small fortune.
Which brings me to the MAIN point: troubleshooting; the skill of being able to solve other people's problems, is a skill you can take to the bank - like no other.
What's more, it's a skill anyone can master. Anyone who wants to that is.
So, add this bankable skill to YOUR resume today.
Yours for better hydraulics knowledge,
Brendan Casey Author and Publisher
P.S. #1. It's important to note that The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook may be tax deductible.
Ask your tax advisor.
P.S. #2. Just the other day I heard from one of our members
who has spent $18,000 trying to solve a problem on his hydraulic excavator
-- without a result. I feel sorry for him because I'm certain
that had he had and followed my troubleshooting system,
he would not be $18,000 in the bag with no solution. In other words,
this new troubleshooting handbook is bad news for parts vendors
and good news for hydraulic equipment users.
P.S. #3. If you don't get this troubleshooting handbook today, what WILL you do the next time you have
a hydraulic problem to deal with? Will you use the costly and time consuming 'pluck and chuck' by guesswork method and
replace one component after another until the problem goes away? Or will you hire outside help, at a stiff hourly rate,
with no certainty that the guy who shows up really knows what he's doing either?
The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook puts YOU in charge of the process. So don't put this off,
act now, before the deadline for this special offer expires this
(if not before).
"I've been through this three times so far and it's AWESOME.
For anyone who wants to become a better troubleshooter, this is money well spent."
Casey Ruttan,
Instructor and Consultant
Hydraulic Safety Authority of Canada, Inc
Click here to ORDER
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