The Top 2 Causes of Hydraulic Vane Pump Failure and How to Avoid them

vaneOne of our members wrote to me recently regarding the following problem:

“Recently, we bought a used hydraulic power unit (15HP electric motor directly coupled to a vane pump). A high-pitched, clicking noise is generated when the unit runs. We have checked the following:

–We thought it was a motor bearing, so we detached pump from motor, no noise heard.Read more

Why Air is One of the ‘Big 4’ Contaminants of Hydraulic Oil

cavitation erosion on valve plateAir is both a normal ingredient, and a contaminant, of hydraulic oil. It’s a normal ingredient because hydraulic fluid typically contains between 6 and 12 percent by volume of dissolved air. There’s no avoiding this. And provided this dissolved air stays dissolved, it poses no problem to the hydraulic system or the fluid itself.

But if this dissolved air comes … Read more

What You Need to Know About Fluid Injection Injuries

FirstAidCross**Editor’s note: This post is one to share with your friends and colleagues.

A webinar presented by the International Fluid Power Society on the prevention and management of fluid injection injuries cites a study by Snarski and Birkhahn, two emergency department doctors at the New York Methodist Hospital. And it contains some sobering statistics:

Fluid injection injuries are relatively rare … Read more