Hydraulic Troubleshooting Face Off: Method vs Principles

The Hydraulic Troubleshooting HandbookThere’s a hydraulics trainer from the USA who has put a hand pump and a bunch of connectors into a fancy box. And he promotes this kit around the world as a hydraulic troubleshooting system. Like a crusader.

One of my Hydraulics Pro Club members asked me for my thoughts on it. Not the crusader. His hand pump troubleshooting doohickey.… Read more

The Top 2 Causes of Hydraulic Vane Pump Failure and How to Avoid them

vaneOne of our members wrote to me recently regarding the following problem:

“Recently, we bought a used hydraulic power unit (15HP electric motor directly coupled to a vane pump). A high-pitched, clicking noise is generated when the unit runs. We have checked the following:

–We thought it was a motor bearing, so we detached pump from motor, no noise heard.Read more

What You Must Know When Troubleshooting Hydraulic Cylinder Drift

BentRodIn my free email series, on YouTube and in exhaustive detail in The Hydraulic Troubleshooting Handbook, I explain the concept of how a double-acting cylinder becomes a displacement cylinder if the piston seal leaks. And as part of the explanation of this concept I state: “…if the piston seal is completely removed from a double-acting cylinder, and its ports … Read more